Doing Business in Small Communities

How Does Business Differ in a Small Community vs Large Metro Areas? Through my years in the advertising and marketing sector, I have met a lot of business owners – some that have been in business in Southern Utah for a very long time and others who are just...

Marketing to Millennials

Marketing to Millennials isn’t rocket science. However, it sure can feel like it at times. That’s one of the concerns many business owners have in 2018 – regardless of the size of the company. After hearing some of their struggles and seeing of some...

7 Tips for Advertising in the Spring

Do your customers know you’re open for business? If your business advertising has not yet launched,  the Spring is the PERFECT time to kick-off a new advertising campaign. Regardless of the type of company you have or products or services you sell and offer,...

Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

It is no secret that trends in marketing and advertising are constantly changing and adapting to the behaviors of consumers that is also changing and adapting. There are 3 pieces of advice I feel every business owner should follow: 1. Keep Your Marketing Strategy...