Do your customers know you’re open for business?
If your business advertising has not yet launched, the Spring is the PERFECT time to kick-off a new advertising campaign. Regardless of the type of company you have or products or services you sell and offer, there are plenty of ways to create an attractive, effective ad campaign to target customers so they not only know you’re open for business, but they are asked (via coupon, promo) to come and do business with you.
Here are 7 Advertising Tips to help you create some attractive offers for consumers:
#1. Work your ads to focus on tax time. Offer tax-free or matching tax rebates into offers.
#2: Vibrant ads. Make sure your advertising matches the colors and joy of Spring.
#3. Need to move inventory? Offer a “Spring Clean-up” or “Spring Cleaning” special to move inventory with special discounts.
#4. Focus on renewing. Spring is all about renewal. Good time to jump start those resolutions again or working on other aspects of health & wellness.
#5. Although it’s not until May, it’s never to early to start planting ideas for Mother’s Day. (See how I used “Spring-theme” in that?!)
#6. Easter is April 1st this year — that’s no joke. Also, you have Earth Day on April 22nd — look for special occasions for promotions.
#7. Bring people together. Now winter is over – it’s a great time to host local events, workshops, seminars, parking lot sales, Customer Appreciation Days, etc. Whether is PERFECT in Southern Utah – take advantage of it!
Whatever offer or promotion you decide to do, keep your message clear and don’t hesitate to be aggressive to really draw in consumers.